Bay Area Volleyball CLub

Winter Clinics

Winter 2024 - 2025 coming soon!

Check back in November for updated information

BAVC Boys Winter Workshops

Boys Winter Skills Camp

Description: Focused development on the following skills: serve receive, defensive transition & digging, hitting & blocking, serving, and setting. Depending on number of participants, each camp session will include some 4x4 or 6x6 play. This camp is highly recommended for players who plan to try out for club next season but all players are welcome.

Ages: 10 to 15 years old, players will be divided up by age and/or experience

Seven Individual Sunday Dates:

January 21, January 28, February 4th, February 11th, February 25th, March 10th and March 24th

Day/Time: Sundays: 10:00 to 11:30AM

Price: Each Session $40 (Cash or Check Only) Paid at the door

Register Here:

New - Boys 12/13/14 Individual Skills Workshops

Description: With the boys' regular club season ending in early January, many 14 and under players are looking for opportunities to continue to improve and play. This workshop is focused on providing intensive individuals skills training. Each week the camp will focus on a different skill, e.g. strength & training & hitting mechanics, passing & mobility, etc. This camp is recommended for players who have played club or have plans to try out for club next year in August. BAVC teams won bids to the Boys Junior National Tournament this summer in every age division this season: 14s, 15s, 16s, 17s, and 18s. With our high school players shifting their focus to high school play, we want to use this time of the year to train the next generation of BAVC club players. There may be opportunities for players interested in joining one of our National Team Rosters. We may also form another 13/14s team for Nationals if enough experienced/eligible players/families express interest.

Ages: 12 to 14 years. Older players who do not have high school teams are also welcome to attend this camp.

Dates: January 27, February 3, February 10, February 24, March 9 and March 16, March 23

Day/Time: Saturday: 6:00 to 7:30PM

Price: Each Session $40 (Cash or Check Only) Paid at the door

Register Here

BAVC Girls Winter Workshops

After School Hitting & Serving Workshop - Now Open All Players

Girls’ volleyball has become more of a power game. To compete effectively, players need to hit and serve with more power and a high level of consistency. Most volleyball matches are won or lost by just a few points so hitting and serving with consistency is essential to playing at a competitive level.

Questions all front (and back row) hitters who are serious about getting better should ask themselves regarding their abilities and development.

  • Does your club or program provide year-round hitting skills training outside of team practice?
  • Are you doing strength training as part of your hitting & serving development?
  • Do you know how to modify your hitting mechanics for different sets and distance from the net?
  • In hitting drills, can you hit a simple "down ball" successfully over the net and in the court with 80% consistency? (This is an achievable goal for properly trained hitters and a necessary standard for players who want to play high level competition.)
  • Can you maintain at least 70% consistency level using "zero footwork", "2 step", and "3 step" approaches?
  • Do you have the shoulder and forearm strength to serve the ball over the net with age-appropriate pace?
  • Can you confidently serve a ball over the net and in the court with at least 80% consistency? (Again, this is an achievable goal for properly trained players that have sufficient arm strength.)
  • Can you confidently serve short serves consistently? (For most players, consistency drops significantly when attempting short serves.)

Most players do not get enough focused training on their hitting skills and struggle with consistency during competitive play. This weekly workshop provides an opportunity for hitters to work on the areas outlined above. Players who attend these workshops on a regular basis will see significant improvement in their ability to hit the ball consistency with more power.

Day/Time: Most Friday Afternoons through End of May: 3:30 to 5:00 PM (Fine to show up a bit late after out of school.)

Price: Each Session $35 (Cash or Check Only) Paid at the door

Register Here:

Co-Ed After School Winter Setter Workshop - Now Open All Players

Setting is one of the hardest skills to master and is unfortunately under-coached by many clubs and skills development programs. Questions all setters who are serious about getting better should ask themselves regarding their development:

  • Does your club provide year-round setting skills training?
  • Do you have the wrist and forearm strength to set all positions with consistency and accuracy? If not, do you have a plan to increase your range as a setter?
  • Do you have the opportunity to work on "target setting" into a setter net? Precise targeted setting is needed to run an advanced "tempo" offense.
  • Do you know proper footwork and proper body position for setting an "out of system" pass off the net?
  • Do you know how/where to execute a set on a "scrap ball" passed into the net?
  • Do you know the proper footwork and body position to cover hitters after setting the ball at all positions?
  • Are you confident in your backrow defense? For 5-1 setters, are you confident in your blocking, transition, and digging abilities?
  • For more advanced players, have you begun to work on a jump setting? If so, can you jump set all front row positions with consistency and accuracy?
  • Do you know when, where, and how to "dump" the ball during competition?

This weekly workshop provides an opportunity for setters to work on the development areas outlined above. Players who attend regularly will see a significant improvement in their setting confidence and ability.

Day/Time: Every Thursday through End of May, 3:30 to 5:00 PM (Fine to show up a bit late after out of school.)

Price: Each Session $35 (Cash or Check Only) Paid at the door

Register Here:

Girls Beginner/Intermediate Skills Camp

Description: Focused development on the following skills: serve receive, defensive transition & digging, hitting & blocking, serving, and setting. Depending on number of participants, each camp session will include some 4x4 or 6x6 play. This camp is highly recommended for players who plan to try out for club next season but all players are welcome.

Ages: 10 to 16 years old, players will be divided up by age and/or experience

Seven Individual Sunday Dates:

January 21, January 28, February 4th, February 11th, February 25th, March 10th and March 24th

Day/Time: Sundays: 12:00 to 1:30PM

Price: Each Session $40 (Cash or Check Only) Paid at the door

Register Here:


If age requirements are necessary for camp registration, please make sure to check the USA Volleyball Age Definition Chart to the right to ensure you are signing your player up for the correct volleyball age category.


All Clinics take place at the BAVC Facility:  1950 Olivera Road, Suite One Concord, CA


Make sure your athlete wears comfortable athletic clothes and a good pair of court shoes.

Additionally, make sure to pack lots of water - Water cooler available to refill re-usable bottles.


BAVC Facility, 1950 Olivera Road, Suite One, Concord